Derek White & Wendy Sorin

photo (c) Derek White

P.S. At Least We Died Trying 

to Make You in the Backseat of a Taxidermist


art, text and post scriptum by

 Wendy Collin Sorin & Derek White


an illustrated tale of birds and bees

ISBN 0-9746053-7-9

28 pages of full color under a black & white cover


[out of print]

read/download dbook (PDF)

"We are charged with understanding complexity, with pulling on multiple threads to find multiple connections. This book is a wonderful game of reading, and I just hope that people see it this way and understand the life-giving joy of the book. I hope that people are not intimidated by the maverick scholarship of this gene-spliced masterpiece. I just wish I could make it clear what an achievement this rough beast actually is. I stumble, woozy, to my knees, humbled and shattered by the beauty before me." review of P.S. by Geof Huth on dbqp


"The sheer quantity of visual and verbal information on each page is dazzling, as is the delicately seamless integration of image and text." -- Printed Matter, Inc.


Excerpts from P.S. rappeared in: Diagram, Zunái, Generator, Angle and Green Panda