Poste Restante
122 pages ISBN 0-9770723-6-3 $12
Restante is a collection of
text and image fragments (postcards, if you will, sent from the
subconscious). From the forward:
"White calls the pieces in Poste Resante "residuals," and that may well be the best description. Like memory and it's closest collaborator, imagination, they are built out of that which remains: both dross and deep beauty. The whole feels honest, unsettingly accurate, fresh." -Laird Hunt, from a review in American Book Review
"Yet his ability to clearly translate the logic of dream-life is what makes this a specialized, noteworthy work of fiction...the stories in Poste Restante represent some of the most enigmatic work being published on flash-fiction websites and in journals around the country." -Ross Simonini, from a review in The Believer
"Although there are threads that continue between stories, some of the same characters and places, and more than a heaping spoonful of physics and math (add some paranoia and we're ready for the crying to begin on the auction for White's subconscious) there is no real narrative thread that links them. Like dreams, these stories rise from the ether and then disappear back from whence they came." -Robert Bell, from a review in New Orleans Review "Like the detached sentimentality often evoked after time spent in one's own dreams, the stories seem hungry to communicate the things humming within them; they want to transfer their energy into a remote location." -Blake Butler, from a review in Bookslut