mIEKAL aND Kristin Prevallet James Grinwis
Michael Kimball Sheila E. Murphy Chris Fritton
Mike Topp Eileen Tabios Rebecca Gopoian
Selah & Noah Saterstrom Geof Huth Michael Boyko
Henry Mescaline/Henri d'Mescan James Wagner Steve Timm
Davis Schneiderman Cheryl Pallant Daryl Scroggins
Michael Peters Alison Hawthorne Deming Amy Pence
Joshua Cohen Kevin White Jessica Fanzo
Claudio Parentela Petra Backonja George Belden 
Kevin Sampsell Christian Peet Norman Lock
David-Baptiste Chirot

Chad Davidson & John Poch

Stephen Hopkins
Sean Mclain Brown

Peter Conners

Amy White
Chris Casamassima

George Sich

& a feature on Mexican Visual poetry with Juan Diaz Infante, Federico Martinez

Damian Walsdorf, Katnira Bello, Victor Sulser and an introduction by Brian Whitener


SleepingFish is an independent print literary magazine of experimental prose, text/image, art, textual art, poetic TEXTures and general memetic nonsense, now on issue 0.75, the third installment. You can preview the issue by clicking the author links above. Or check out the web-only features below.


128 pages

ISBN 0-9770723-0-4

perfect bound, view cover

[out of print]

get dbook (PDF) for $5:

"Sleeping Fish has surfaced to become one of the best independent literary publications in the sea"
Clayton A. Couch, Library Journal Review 

"Is that a fish or an infinity sign on the cover?" —Sleepingfish 0.75 review on NewPages.

"Rivaled in diversity of content perhaps only by Diagram, this journal dispenses with preconceived notions about what is "literary" in favor of texts and images that revel in both the pleasure and the difficulty of designing and seeing." -- Sleepingfish 0.75 review in Boog City.

10 rubBEings by David-Baptiste Chirot
Street Memes : NYC (29 images) | Mexico (31 images)
TEXTures & Residual Meme Adhesion : NYC (29 images) | Mexico (27 images)
Vispo from Mexico: 4 additional images by Victor Sulser
6 images by Carlos Luis from ma(I)ze Tassel Retrazos

edited by Ń eyeOre

fonts by Eduardo Recife

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